Bacterium Trumps Fungus, Fungus Trumps Bats Uncategorized Bacterium Trumps Fungus, Fungus Trumps Bats I am either doing something right, or something very wrong. Numerous people have sent me…Eyal FrankNovember 19, 2015
Reducing the Turning Speed of Wind Turbines to Save Bats BiodiversityMostly Nature Reducing the Turning Speed of Wind Turbines to Save Bats Wind farms in the U.S. have decided to voluntarily reduce the turning speed of the…Eyal FrankSeptember 20, 2015
Buy The Planet – Save The Planet BiodiversityMostly Nature Buy The Planet – Save The Planet A new Indiegogo campaign is collecting money towards the aim of buying 1.4% of the…Eyal FrankAugust 26, 2015
Log-Linear Regressions: Three Things To Keep In Mind Statistics Log-Linear Regressions: Three Things To Keep In Mind Early on in introductory econometrics courses students learn about linear regression and two related siblings:…Eyal FrankAugust 22, 2015
[INSERT INTERVENTION HERE] Will Stop Wildlife Poaching Mostly Nature [INSERT INTERVENTION HERE] Will Stop Wildlife Poaching If it was not already clear that wildlife poaching is a serious problem as evident…Eyal FrankAugust 14, 2015
Latex Dissertation Template for Columbia Gradstudents Uncategorized Latex Dissertation Template for Columbia Gradstudents Writing a doctoral dissertation is challenging enough. Adding multiple guidelines and formatting requirements can quickly…Eyal FrankAugust 4, 2015
Rats and Hurricane Sandy Aftermath Uncategorized Rats and Hurricane Sandy Aftermath When Sandy hit New York on October 29th 2012 there were those who wondered about…Eyal FrankJuly 28, 2015
Code Riffs: Have Your Code Send You an Email Coding Code Riffs: Have Your Code Send You an Email When I write a script that take a long time to run I like to…Eyal FrankJune 26, 2015
Tools of the Trade: Paperpile Tools Tools of the Trade: Paperpile Every academic accumulates papers and other references and I assume the vast majority of them…Eyal FrankJune 25, 2015
Tools of the Trade: Repository Tools Tools of the Trade: Repository A collection of the posts about the tools and gadgets I use. I use…Eyal FrankJune 25, 2015