Four Not-So-Random Links On Conservation Mostly NatureOn the Web Four Not-So-Random Links On Conservation Source: Protecting Paradise - Pakke Tiger Reserve I honestly do not know why I have not…Eyal FrankOctober 12, 2017
Code Riffs: Stata and Regression Tables Coding Code Riffs: Stata and Regression Tables There are different approaches as to how to get publication quality regression tables. There are…Eyal FrankNovember 14, 2016
Trade Ban on Ivory: Are We Getting it Right? BiodiversityMostly Nature Trade Ban on Ivory: Are We Getting it Right? You probably know that it is illegal to trade in ivory and might even know…Eyal FrankSeptember 16, 2016
#WildForLife Campaign Aims to Reduce Demand for Wildlife Trade Prodcuts Uncategorized #WildForLife Campaign Aims to Reduce Demand for Wildlife Trade Prodcuts On Wednesday, May 24th 2016, the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) met in Nairobi, Kenya. The…Eyal FrankMay 27, 2016
Recent Examples of the Large Number of Species Traded Globally BiodiversityMostly Nature Recent Examples of the Large Number of Species Traded Globally Two items about wildlife trade got published online this week that caught my attention. This…Eyal FrankMay 1, 2016
A Bats Housing Boom BiodiversityOn the Web A Bats Housing Boom By now you might have heard (especially if this is not the first post you…Eyal FrankMarch 18, 2016
Scraping a Web Form with Multiple Pages Using Selenium – A Neat Trick Coding Scraping a Web Form with Multiple Pages Using Selenium – A Neat Trick In a previous post I covered the basics of how to use a Python module…Eyal FrankFebruary 23, 2016
Scraping Web Forms with Selenium Coding Scraping Web Forms with Selenium Following up on a recent post this post will also be about automating a process that…Eyal FrankDecember 19, 2015
Watch Racing Extinction Mostly Nature Watch Racing Extinction The documentary Racing Extinction premiered yesterday and is available on iTunes and Amazon (in case…Eyal FrankDecember 3, 2015
Classifying Neighboring Spatial Units Coding Classifying Neighboring Spatial Units Imagine you are analyzing data on some administrative level i, as a response to some…Eyal FrankDecember 1, 2015